About the data
Responsible investment is an investment approach that considers both financial returns and environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors in decision-making. An ESG incident is an incident in which corporate activity has caused a negative social and/or environmental impact. Some examples ESG incidents include environmental law violations, bribery scandals, modern slavery incidents etc.
To find the answer for the company you are researching, look in the company's responsible investment transparency report. The answer for the metric can be found under the indicator SG 04.1 - Strategy and Governance: Identifying incidents occurring within portfolios.
If the company indicates that they have a process for identifying and managing ESG incidents, enter the 'Yes' value and add/cite the company's transparency report as a source.
If the answer cannot be found in the company's transparency report, or the company is not a signatory to the PRI, then search on the company's website for a responsible investment policy document. If the company does not mention that they have an ESG incident process in their policy document, enter the 'No' value and add/cite the company website or transparency report as a source.
Responsible investment transparency reports can be found on the Principles for Responsible Investment website here.
Further information on the PRI Reporting Framework 2018 for the Strategy and Governance module can be found here.