Investor Transparency Research Group+Image
AUM Invested in Environmental and Social Themed Areas (%)
What percentage of the company's total assets under management (AUM) does the company invest in environmental and social themed areas?

About the data

Environmental and social themed investments are financial investments which help to solve environmental and social challenges as well as bring market-rate returns to the investor.  

Assets under management refer to the total market value of all the financial assets that a financial services company manages on behalf of itself and its clients. 

To find the answer for the company you are researching, look in the company's responsible investment transparency report. The answer for the metric can be found under the indicator SG 15.2 - Strategy and Governance: Allocation of assets to environmental and social themed areas.

Enter the percentage value into the answer box and add/cite the company's transparency report as a source. This indicator is voluntary to complete which means that it may not be disclosed by all PRI signatories. If the answer cannot be found, enter 'Unknown' as your answer.

Responsible investment transparency reports can be found on the Principles for Responsible Investment website here

Further information on the PRI Reporting Framework 2018 for the Strategy and Governance module can be found here.

Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Responsible Investment Transparency Report