Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)+Image
Other non-residential income (£)
What is the higher education providers other non-residential income?

About the data

This field contains data about other non-residential income. This is applicable to higher education providers (HEP) in Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Reason required: sector use and benchmarking.
This data will be provided by HESA.

HEP income other non-residential includes all income from the Finance record Table 7
UK 'Income analysed by source' categorised as:

• Head 4ai 'BIS Research Councils, UK central government/local authorities, health and hospital authorities, EU government bodies' plus,
• Head 4aii 'Other' plus,
• Head 4c 'Grants from local authorities' plus,
• Head 4d 'Income from health and hospital authorities (excluding teaching contracts for student provision)' plus,
• Head 4e 'Other grant income' plus,
• Head 4f 'Capital grants recognised in the year' plus,
• Head 4g 'Income from intellectual property rights' plus,
• Head 4h 'Other operating income' plus,
• Head 5 'Investment income'
Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Corporate Social Responsibility Report