Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)+Image
Grounds area listed or heritage (hectares)
What is total grounds area of landscaping which has listed or heritage status (in hectares)?

About the data

This field contains data about grounds area of landscaping which has listed or heritage status. The value can be recorded to three decimal places. This is applicable to higher education providers (HEP) in Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Reason required: sector use and benchmarking.
Area of landscaping owned or managed by the HEP with a Conservation Area/Listed Status or within English Heritage, Historic Scotland, CADW in Wales, The Register of Parks and Gardens, or The Register of Landscapes of Special Historic Interest.

This may include areas within listed buildings, such as quadrangles, but only if they have been listed separately.

Data should be rounded to the nearest 0.1 ha. This figure is for the whole estate.
Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Corporate Social Responsibility Report