64 data points have been researched
out of a potential 126 (21 Companies x 3 Metrics x 2 Years).

50.7 %


This project exists to track the interim targets set by organisations to with public net zero targets.

Why track this?

Put simply, if everyone declared a distance net zero target, like “Net Zero Emissions by 2050” without any intermediate plans, it woudl be so far into the future as to be essentially meaningless.

It avoids any messy change now, but it also results in decades of harm being done as greenhouse gases accumulate in the atmosphere.

If you imagine the path to zero emission as a chart tracking emissions every year, it might look like this:

Bad Net Zero

A better approach is to have a Net Zero target, but also match it with interim targets, every 3-5 years, ideally starting by 2025 at the latest.

By comparison our glide path involves action right now, not later, and results with far fewer cumulative emissions.

Good Net Zero

Which companies have targets mentioning action by 2025?

This is what this project is all about.

We want to work through a list of visible companies, starting with the bigger ones first, and see which ones have:

  1. a net zero target
  2. some interim target for 2025, that shows that the CEO is not just kicking the can down the road, for the next person in charge to clean up