Question: How much water did the company withdraw (in cubic metres)?
cubic metres
Global Reporting Initiative
Anadolu Efes
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated over 7 years ago by Siphamandla

Page 43 of the sustainability report which shows the split as follows:

In million cubic metres Breweries Malteries

Total Water Consumption 8,7 1,1

Wastewater discharge 6 0,9

Total 14,7 2

Siphamandla.....2017-02-11 11:21:21 UTC

I would just use the total figure (8.7 + 1.1) here. I'm not sure wastewater discharged should be included in any calc.

Martin Adamson.....2017-02-18 07:35:48 UTC

I included Wastewater discharged because the metric definition includes waste water from another organization, surface water etc. Therefore total water withdrawals would include water consumed and waste water discharged.See definition below from the metric page.

"Additional sources the indicator specifies that companies should disclose include Surface water (including water from wetlands, rivers, lakes, and oceans), Ground water, Rainwater collected directly and stored by the organization, Waste water from another organization, Municipal water supplies or other water utilities. ".

Siphamandla.....2017-02-18 08:58:21 UTC