Modes of transport (G4-EO2-a)
Does the organization report the modes of transport taken by attendees to the event?

About the data

This metric is based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Sector Supplement - Event Organizers. It covers one of the reporting requirements of Indicator G4-EO2 - 'Modes of transport taken by attendees as a percentage of total transportation, and initiatives to encourage the use of sustainable transport options.'

Attendee transport is often an event’s largest environmental impact. Reporting the proportion of different transport modes used can help to define the impacts of the event, provide an overview of the uptake of more sustainable transport options, and identify opportunities for future improvement.

In some event locations, certain transport modes may not be available or appropriate for all attendees. Contextual information should be provided that explains the local transport situation, including the availability of public transport options and the suitability of these options for event attendees.

In many instances, event organizers will not have direct control over how attendees travel to and from the event. Reporting contextual information would be helpful to explain the level control and influence on attendee behavior, along with the boundary of control and influence that the event organizer has over the transport mode options available.

Refer to EO11 for reporting on number, type and impact of sustainability initiatives designed to raise awareness, share knowledge and impact behavior change and results achieved.

Indicate whether the organization reports the transport used by attendees up to the event ‘access point’ by mode and distance by choosing Yes or No.

Access point in these Sector Disclosures, refers to point where the event organizer takes over control of attendees’ access to the event venue.

Attendees in these Sector Disclosures, refers to people who are present at an event, including delegates, customers, clients, audience, fans, spectators, or others present at the event.

If provided, in the comments section include the percentage breakdown of total transportation, on the basis of number of people or trips, broken down by different distance categories and by modes identified, inlcuding:

  • Train
  • Coach (inter-city)
  • Shuttle service (e.g., from train station to event gate)
  • Urban transport (inner city bus, metro, underground,
  • light rail, tram)
  • Taxi, auto rickshaw, bike rickshaw
  • Plane
  • Private car (including car sharing)
  • Motorcycle/scooter
  • Non-automotive mode (bicycle, walking, animal)
  • Ferry

Information for this Indicator may be found in reports from data providers, and summary reports showing transport mode breakdowns and calculations of total; from ticketing providers (for postcode data on ticket purchases, as a proxy for origin destination); from travel agents or internal staff coordinating travel requirements; local authorities or other bodies that monitor transport within the locality, region, or nation; transport providers and car park operators; surveys; registration reports.

For Wikirate Researchers: 

  • Please see this page for guidelines on how to research values for GRI-based metrics.
Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Corporate Social Responsibility Report