Question: What is the total number of incidents of discrimination reported by the organization during the reporting period?
Global Reporting Initiative
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updated over 6 years ago by Barbara LEPERRE

The source is in French but I translated the main idea: ArcelorMittal has been sentenced in France for trade union discrimination against four employees. who were CFDT personnel representatives. The company was ordered to compensate them with a total amount of EUR 450,000. Moreover, the company had to pay EUR 3,000 per person for non-material damage. One quote that can support my value is: "Le groupe sidérurgique ArcelorMittal a été condamné vendredi pour discrimination syndicale à l'encontre de quatre salariés représentants du personnel CFDT. L'entreprise doit leur verser des indemnités d'un total de près de 450.000 euros. A cette somme, s'ajoutent 3.000 euros par personne au titre du préjudice moral."

Barbara LEPERRE.....2017-12-01 21:13:05 UTC