Question: What percentage of new suppliers were screened using human rights criteria?
Global Reporting Initiative

Code of conduct, pg. 3

“The Inditex Code of Conduct for Manufacturers and Suppliers (hereinafter, the Code) defines minimum standards of ethical and responsible behaviour which must be met by the manufacturers and suppliers of the products commercialized by Inditex in the course of its business, in line with the corporate culture of Inditex Group (hereinafter Inditex), firmly based on the respect for Human and Labour Rights.”

pg. 209

“In order to ensure that only those suppliers and manufacturers that meet our sustainability standards are part of our supply chain, we carry out an initial verification of compliance with our environmental and social requirements through pre-assessment audits before they even enter into a business relationship with us.”

“Ensuring compliance with our standards.

Verifies the compliance with the Code of Conduct for Manufacturers and Suppliers.”

"Pre-assessment audits in 2021

Total 2,397

Approved % 81%"

Manali Rana.....2022-07-18 05:23:43 UTC