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Targets to Reduce Textiles Derived from Virgin Fossil Fuels
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index?
Fashion Revolution

About the data

Some textiles are made from virgin fossil fuels. This indicator looks for disclosure of a measurable, time-bound targets for the reduction of textiles deriving from virgin fossil fuels. Disclosure on this is important because it informs our understanding on the link between textiles and fossil fuels and how brands are mitigating these impacts.
A note on the scoring system

WikiRate has a standardised 10-point scoring system making it possible to compare company scores across different benchmarks. On, the Fashion Transparency Index scoring system, where each company can get a maximum of 250 points, has been converted to the 10-point scoring system - with 10 being the highest a company can score and 0 being the lowest. These company scores can also be translated to percentages e.g. if a company has scored 2.5 out of 10 on WikiRate, they have achieved 25% of the 250 points in the Fashion Transparency Index.

Value Score