Fashion Revolution+Image
Conducts Worker Interviews on Recruitment Process
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index?
Fashion Revolution

About the data

A major cause of forced labour in today’s global supply chains is the charging of recruitment fees to migrant workers. Such payments can create situations of debt bondage and leave low-wage workers vulnerable to human trafficking and further exploitation. Interviews with workers specifically about their recruitment journey can help a company detect indicators of modern slavery related violations.

A note on the scoring system

WikiRate has a standardised 10-point scoring system making it possible to compare company scores across different benchmarks. On, the Fashion Transparency Index scoring system, where each company can get a maximum of 250 points, has been converted to the 10-point scoring system - with 10 being the highest a company can score and 0 being the lowest. These company scores can also be translated to percentages e.g. if a company has scored 2.5 out of 10 on WikiRate, they have achieved 25% of the 250 points in the Fashion Transparency Index.

Value Score