In this question you are being asked to identify whether the company's human rights and environmental policies are reflected in their management procedures. Start by searching for published documents which detail the human rights standards and environmental procedures within their own operations and in their supply chains.
Where to look for this information:
- Company documents
- Company policies
- Company websites
- Company code of conduct
- Parent company documents (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)
- Parent company policies (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)
- Parent company websites (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)
- Parent company code of conduct (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)
Good keywords for your searches include:
- Animal Welfare
- Annual Leave & Public Holidays
- Anti-bribery, & Corruption & Presentation of False Information
- Biodiversity & Conservation
- Child Labour
- Community Engagement
- Contracts & Terms of Employment
- Discrimination
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Effluents
- Emissions, Energy & Carbon Emissions
- Equal Pay
- Forced or Bonded Labour
- Foreign & Migrant Labour
- Freedom of Association, Right to Organise & Collective Bargaining
- Harassment & Violence
- Health & Safety
- Living Conditions/Dormitories
- Maternity Rights & Parental Leave
- Notice Period, Dismissal & Disciplinary Action
- Overtime Pay
- Restricted Substance List
- Sub-contracting, Outsourcing & Homeworkers
- Wages & Financial Benefits (e.g. bonuses, insurance, social security, pensions)
- Waste & Recycling (Textiles)
- Waste & Recycling (Other)
- Water Effluents & Treatment
- Water Usage & Footprint
- Working Hours & Rest Breaks
Things to watch out for:
- Information should only be used from a parent company documents or website when the brand has linked to the parent company from their own website.
- Simply auditing for compliance is not enough
- Reports published after Jan 15
- Animal Welfare procedure could be participation in the Leather Working Group, Responsible Down Standard, Responsible Wool Standard, Peta certification, etc.
- Annual Leave and Public holidays procedure could be evidence of a system in place that ensures employees actually receive annual leave. This could be a record system to track employees annual leave or an annual leave approval system.
- Anti-bribery procedure could be something like dedicated training for employees/workers on bribery and corruption or a dedicated hotline for employees/workers to report bribery, corruption, fraud.
- Biodiversity & Conservation procedure could be working with FSC or Canopy to ensure sources of cellulose-based fibres are not contributing to biodiversity loss, by ensuring that exotic plants and leather adhere to the CITES convention or by restoring soil health and increasing biodiversity through regenerative agriculture.
- Child labour procedure could be evidence of due diligence, partnerships or programs that work to eliminate child labour.
- Community engagement procedure could be evidence of partnerships and programs that support communities in the areas impacted by the company
- Contracts & Terms of Employment procedure could be ensuring all contracts are in the local language, are signed by both parties and that employees are given a copy of the contract.
- Discrimination procedure could be evidence of partnerships and/or specific programs that seek to prevent, mitigate or remedy discrimination.
- Diversity & Inclusion procedure could be evidence of partnerships and/or specific programs that fosters diversity and inclusion.
- Energy & Carbon Emissions procedure could be the implementation of any energy-saving and reduction initiatives or how they proactively work to reduce their carbon emissions. Brand could receive points for being a part of UN Fashion Charter for Climate Action or the G7 Pact.
- Equal Pay procedure could be evidence of work beyond a policy to ensure equal pay; could be evidence of training on this issue, partnerships or specific programs that address this topic explicitly.
- Forced and Bonded Labour procedure could be evidence of due diligence, partnerships or programs that work to eliminate forced and bonded labour - the type of procedural information which might be include in a UK Modern Slavery Act or California Transparency in Supply Chains Act statement.
- For Foreign & Migrant Labour procedure, we are looking for evidence of due diligence, partnerships or programs that work to support migrant workers within their supply chain such as the AAFA/FLA Apparel & Footwear Industry Commitment to Responsible Recruitment.
- Freedom of Association, Right to Organise & Collective Bargaining procedure could be via a Global Framework Agreement or partnerships that proactively support freedom of association and CB such as ACT, Indonesia Protocol or partnerships with local unions.
- Harassment & Violence procedure could include initiatives such as training for factory managers and workers, dedicated hotline to anonymously report harassment/abuse/violence and other sensitisation type activities.
- For a Health & Safety procedure, we are looking for how health and safety policies are put into practice such as topical training for workers.
- For Living Conditions/Dormitories procedure, we are looking for programs in supplier facilities focused on improving conditions in hostels/dormitories where workers are living onsite. For example, supporting hostel registration or providing provisions to increase quality of life for workers living in hostels/dormitories.
- For Maternity Rights & Parental Leave, we are looking for procedures and programs that seek to protect maternity rights and ensure parental leave for employees. For example, schemes that allow employees to work remotely or part-time after returning from maternity leave.
- Notice Period, Dismissal & Disciplinary Action procedure could be any evidence of work beyond a policy to prevent unreasonable dismissals or disciplinary action. This could be a clear disciplinary procedure which is communicated to employees and accompanied by clear documentation.
- For Overtime Pay procedure, we are looking for initiatives or procedures that manage overtime pay for employees. This could be documentation of overtime hours and pay through an overtime management system.
- Restricted Substance List procedure could be evidence of testing, e.g. working with ZDHC programme (if link to ZDHC provided)
- For Sub-contracting, Outsourcing & Homeworkers procedure, we are looking for evidence of partnerships and specific programs that seek to address and support better homeworking practices or traceability of sub-contracting.
- For Wages & Benefits (e.g. bonuses, insurance, social security, pensions), we are looking for evidence of partnerships and programs that proactively support improving wages and benefits. For example, ACT membership, Fair Wear Foundation’s Fair Wage Ladder, calculating and benchmarking wages using Anker or Asia Floor Wage. Or, it could be by providing detailed information about wage management systems.
- Waste & Recycling (Packaging/Office/Facility/Retail) procedure could include initiatives or procedures that are in action to reduce/reuse waste such as paper, plastic and glass, packaging, etc.
- Waste & Recycling (Product/Textiles) procedure could be initiatives or practices that reduce/reuse/repurpose off-cuts and textile wastage, defective stock, production samples and/or post-consumer waste.
- Water Effluents & Treatment procedure could be working with ZDHC programme is sufficient (if link to ZDHC provided)
- Water Usage & Footprint could be initiatives or procedures that are in action to reduce/minimise the use of water in business or supplier activities.
- For Working Hours & Rest Breaks, we are looking for initiatives or procedures that ensure workers/employees receive an adequate number of paid rest breaks for a healthy person within normal working hours. Or, initiatives or procedures that ensure workers/employees are working normal, legal hours in a day.