Question: Which of the company’s human rights and environmental policies are reflected in their management procedures?
Equal Pay,
Contracts & Terms of Employment,
Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) (2021 only),
Biodiversity & Conservation,
Waste & Recycling (Packaging/Office/Facility/Retail),
Animal Welfare,
Living Conditions/Dormitories,
Sub-contracting (2021 only),
Water Usage & Footprint,
Annual Leave & Public Holidays,
Working Hours & Rest Breaks,
Child Labour,
Community Engagement,
Water Effluents & Treatment,
Mental Health & Wellbeing (2021 only),
Restricted Substance List,
Health & Safety,
Maternity Rights & Parental Leave,
Anti-bribery Corruption & Presentation of False Information,
Energy & Carbon Emissions,
Diversity & Inclusion,
Overtime Pay,
Forced & Bonded Labour,
Foreign & Migrant Labour,
Freedom of Association Right to Organise & Collective Bargaining,
Harassment & Violence,
Wages & Financial Benefits (e.g. bonuses/insurance/social security/pensions)
Fashion Revolution
Adidas AG
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Page(s) 103 , 9 , 16 , 92 , 93 , 106-107 , 98 , 118 , 38 , 70 , 108 , 95 , 95 , 3 , 111 , 107 ,