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Fair Wear Foundation Category
What category did the brand achieve in the Fair Wear Foundation annual Brand Performance Check?

About the data

Fair Wear Foundation works with brands and industry influencers to improve working conditions in the clothing industry. 

When companies join Fair Wear Foundation, they commit to implementing the FWF Code of Labour Practices in their supply chains. During the annual Performance Check, FWF assesses whether brands meet the requirements that follow from this commitment and categorises them according to their performance.

The categories are as follows:

  • Leader: This category is for member companies who score exceptionally well and operate on an advanced level. Leaders have made substantial progress in embedding and implementing human rights due diligence, especially strong risk assessments and remediation strategies. Leaders demonstrate responsible purchasing practices and demonstrate best practices in complex areas such as living wages and freedom of association. They also continuously review their internal processes and supply chain, regularly making improvements and adjustments.
  • Good: Member companies who are making a serious effort to implement the Code of Labour Practices (CoLP) are ‘doing good,’ and their efforts deserve to be recognised as such. They have set up strong systems and policies and are well underway in implementing responsible purchasing practices. Member companies within the Good category are progressing towards meeting all Fair Wear membership requirements and engage in remediation efforts. Most member companies receive a Good rating.
  • Needs Improvement: Member companies are most likely to find themselves in this category when problems arise that prevent them from implementing steps required to fulfil Fair Wear membership requirements or if they have not been able to demonstrate sufficient evidence of improvement during the annual performance check. Member companies can only be placed in this category for one year, after which they need to earn a Good rating or face demotion to Suspended.

Source: Fair Wear Foundation

Check the Fair Wear Foundation member list for the company you are researching. Select the category the brand has achieved: 

  • Leader
  • Good
  • Needs Improvement
  • Suspended
Value Type
Needs Improvement
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Member List