EU Transparency Register+Image
Number of employees involved in the EU transparency activities from the company expressed in % of working time
What is the number of employees involved in the EU transparency activities from the company expressed in % of working time?

About the data

Citizens can, and indeed should, expect the EU decision-making process to be as transparent and open as possible. The more open the process is, the easier it is to ensure balanced representation and avoid undue pressure and illegitimate or privileged access to information or to decision-makers. Transparency is also a key part of encouraging European citizens to participate more actively in the democratic life of the EU.

The transparency register has been set up to answer core questions such as what interests are being pursued, by whom and with what budgets. The system is operated jointly by the European Parliament and the European Commission.

This metric asks companies to declare the number of employees involved in the EU transparency activities from the company expressed in % of working time

Value Type
Free Text
Research Policy
Designer Assessed