Environmental Risks Response
Does the company respond to its environmental risks?  

About the data

Businesses highly dependent on access to natural resources (i.e. air, water, soil, minerals) often face a high level of environmental risk. In turn, gold and diamond mining operations may cause serious environmental damage and threaten people’s rights to health, water, food, and a healthy environment through the dumping of mine residues, leakages, and other accidents.

Environmental risks are potential negative consequences to a business that result from its impacts on the natural environment. Failure to effectively manage environmental issues in a business can lead to a range of financial, legal and reputational consequences for the company.

Browse the Corporate Social Responsibility section of the company's Website and look for the information.

Usually, documents entitled Statement on Gemstone Sourcing, Conflict Minerals or Corporate Social Responsibility Report may contain information about it.

  • If the company identifies targets for improving their negative impact on the environment  (e.g. introducing a waste-minimisation programme or efficient new equipment), select “Yes”.

  • If the company does not identify targets for improving their negative impact on the environment, select “No”.




Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Sustainability Report
Corporate Social Responsibility Report