Company Audit
Have the company's own operations been audited or verified by a third party?

About the data

The so-called third-party audits are a way in which a company can verify their own conduct and that of their suppliers. It consists of systematic independent examinations carried out by an external auditor.


Go through The Hidden Cost of Jewelry Report to find out whether the company you are researching has been audited by a third party.

If the company is not part of the Report, browse the Corporate Social Responsibility section of the company's Website and look for this information. Usually the following documents may contain information about this: Statement on Gemstone Sourcing, Responsible Jewellery Council Policy, Conflict Minerals, Corporate Social Responsibility.

  • If you find that the company’s conduct is audited or verified by a third party, select “Yes”.

  • If the company clearly states that it is not audited nor verified by a third party, select “No”.

  • If you cannot find information on this regard, select “Unknown”.

Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Sustainability Report
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Conflict Minerals Report