Profit (EUR)
What was the company's total profit for the year (in EUR)?

About the data

Profit is the amount left after expenses have been paid during a reporting period. The entirety of money collected by a company is its revenue and profit is this revenue minus the cost of sales/expenses. 

This metric is asking for the total profit of the company in a specific year. Start by searching on the company’s website and within their published documents such as annual reports and sustainability reports.

Keywords and Search Terms

- Profit
- Margin
- Financials
- Key data

Answer Input

Always include the page number where you found the answer in the Comments field, as well as excerpts from the source where you found the information.

If you have looked for the information and have not been able to find it, enter the answer as ‘Unknown’.


The reporting unit is Euros. If the value is reported in a different currency please consult this currency converter to find the conversion rate to use according to the company's reporting year. Once you have found the correct conversion rate, multiply that number by your answer to get the EUR rate. Include this calculation in your comments.

Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Company Website
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Integrated Report
Sustainability Report
Aggregate Data Report