Question: Does the company define Biodiversity?
Biodiversity Definition
Deutsche Telekom

It defines how the telecommunication company threatens biodiversity and also outlines projects for its conservation.

pg. 93

“Protecting biodiversity

One major cause of species extinction is the fact that more and more space is being taken up by industry, agriculture, and transportation. As a telecommunications company, we take up significantly less space compared to companies in many other industries. However, our business activities can also impact biodiversity in other areas of our value chain – particularly our suppliers.”

“. In our “Bee and Me” project, intelligent sensors are being used to collect data from beehives and transmit them to beekeepers.”

“Proceeds from our various cell phone collection campaigns (only available in German) in Germany have so far benefited the following organizations, among others: Landesbund für Vogelschutz Bayern e.V.; Pro Wildlife e.V; Frankfurt Zoological Society (projects for the protection of gorillas); and Hellabrunn Zoo, Munich (species protection projects).”

Manali Rana.....2022-06-01 15:31:14 UTC