Clean Clothes Campaign+Image
Living Wage Estimate (EUR equivalent)
What is the estimated living wage in euro equivalent for workers at this company/facility?

About the data

This metric is part of a Clean Clothes Campaign project to investigate wages in apparel supply chains. The project, Filling the Gap: Achieving Living Wages through improved transparency, is funded by the European Commission and comprises research, campaigning, capacity building and advocacy around an innovative Transparency Tool. 

The Transparency Tool enables users to see at a glance which fashion brands and retailers have the largest gaps between their public commitments on wages, what workers are actually paid, and what they should be paid to be earning a Living Wage in their regional context. 

The aim of the project is to empower workers and workers’ organisations to advocate for their rights and equip consumers in Europe with the knowledge/evidence that will enable them to make responsible and more sustainable shopping decisions, and to hold brands accountable. The resulting increased transparency and traceability, along with the empowerment of workers, trade unions and CSOs, will lead to concrete improvements in these global supply chains.

The research was split into two parts: a survey of the brands and an on-the-ground survey of factory workers, initially in China, Indonesia, Croatia, India and Sri Lanka. This metric is derived from the factory worker survey portion of the research.

Clean Clothes Campaign defines a living wage as wage that is 'earned in a standard working week of no more than 48 hours and allows the garment worker to be able to buy food for herself and her family, pay the rent, pay for healthcare, clothing, transportation and education and have a small amount of savings for when something unexpected happens.' (Source: CCC)

The figures used to answer this metric come from the Asia Floor Wage Alliance, the WageIndicator Foundation and the Europe Floor Wage Benchmark, an initiative of Clean Clothes Campaign, and have been converted from the national currency of the facility/company into Euros using the relevant yearly average exchange rate.

Please note that this metric can only be researched through consultation with the metric designer and therefore cannot be included in desk research projects.

Value Type
Research Policy
Designer Assessed
Report Type
Aggregate Data Report
Clean Clothes Campaign