German Supply Chain Act: Risks identified (own operations and tier 1)
Which types of risks has the company identifies in their own operations and tier 1 suppliers?
Aureliane Frohlich

About the data

Find the answer to this question in the company's report published under the German Supply Chain Act (Bericht zum LksG).

The results of the risk analysis can be found in section B1. of the Bericht zum LksG,. 

Select the relevant types of risks identified by the company.

- Modern slavery: if the company identified risk of child or forced labour, debt bondage, etc.

- Health and Safety: threats to workers' health

- Discrimination: gender or other types of discrimination

- Environmental degradation: any risks related to environmental protection and pollution

- Land grabbing: risks of illegal taking of land - Wages: any risk linked to the failure to ensure fair/living wages or delayed payment of wages

- Other labour rights issues: risks linked to recruitment practices, contracts, working hours.

- Other human rights issues: for example, risks to human rights defenders, gender violence, etc.

- No: the company does not identify any risk

Value Type
Modern slavery (e.g. forced labour)
Health and Safety of workers
Discrimination and equal opportunities
Environmental degradation
Land grabbing
Wages (living wages and payments)
Other labour rights
Other human rights issues
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
German Supply Chain Act report (Bericht zum LksG)
Aureliane Frohlich