Amnesty International+Image
CMR Auditor of Smelters
Who carried out the audit of smelters/refiners in the company's supply chain?

About the data

Under the OECD Guidance, downstream companies are supposed to assess the due diligence practices of their smelters/ refiners. Some companies do conduct due diligence on their smelters /refiners, for example by conducting spot checks or site visits to smelters /refiners and reviewing incident reports to look out for risks linked to the smelters / refiners in their supply chain. Others have outsourced this responsibility entirely by relying on third party schemes such as the Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI)'s Conflict Free Smelter Program (CFSP) or the Global e-Sustainability Initiative, who check the due diligence practices of smelters / refiners. While companies can use these schemes as a tool to aid their due diligence, they should not be relying solely on them.

Under the OECD Guidance, downstream companies are supposed to assess the due diligence practices of their smelters/ refiners. Some companies do conduct due diligence on their smelters /refiners, for example by conducting spot checks or site visits to smelters /refiners and reviewing incident reports to look out for risks linked to the smelters / refiners in their supply chain. Others have outsourced this responsibility entirely by relying on third party schemes such as the Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI)'s Conflict Free Smelter Program (CFSP) or the Global e-Sustainability Initiative, who check the due diligence practices of smelters / refiners. While companies can use these schemes as a tool to aid their due diligence, they should not be relying solely on them.

Identify who carried out the audit of smelters/refiners in the company's supply chain. Determine whether the company relies on an external organisation or performs their due diligence in-house, and input the relevant value from the list below:

  • In-house - where the report describes the company conducting their own due diligence (e.g. through site visits, reviewing incident reports). For an example see Apple’s 2016 report, which discusses how it reviews reports on incidents that may be linked to its smelters / refiners, conducts spot audits and engages directly with its smelters / refiners: page 4 “Further Due Diligence: Incident Review and Resolution” and page 5“Leveraging Expertise to Drive Desired Outcomes”.

  • CFSI - where the report relies on the CFSI's Conflict Free Smelter Program (CFSP) for all due diligence assessment of smelters/refiners.

  • Other - where the report relies on an external auditor that's not CFSI for all due diligence assessment of smelters/refiners. Please add the name(s) of these organisation(s) in the comments.

  • CFSI plus other - where the report references CFSI but also an additional third-party auditor.

  • Where it is not reported set the value as Unknown.

Please add a comment which quotes relevant material from the conflict minerals report and/or explains why you gave the company a particular answer.

Tip: Try searching (ctrl-f) for terms like “CFSI” and “Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative” within the report - many companies rely on the CFSI and where this term is mentioned the description of their due diligence is likely to be nearby.

Value Type
CFSI plus other
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Conflict Minerals Report