Question: What is the percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements?
Global Reporting Initiative
Koc Holding A.S.
Verified by Community check_circle
updated about 6 years ago by Ross Findlay

This has not been reported by the organisation

Ross Findlay.....2018-02-23 20:20:14 UTC

It does not disclose the % of employees covered but does disclose the companies and line of business under the agreement.

pg. 16

"Collective bargaining agreements were signed in five of our companies during 2017 and good workplace relations were maintained in terms of employment and union relations."

pg. 36

"Collective agreements are concluded with labor unions in seven lines of business

within the Koç Group. It strives to maintain strong and constructive social dialog with

these unions in accordance with European Union regulations, the Koç Group human

resources processes and the UN Global Compact."

Manali Rana.....2022-04-07 12:03:08 UTC