Question: What percentage of new suppliers were screened using labor practices criteria?
Global Reporting Initiative
BMW Group
Unverified - Added by Community
updated about 2 months ago by Pooja Yadav


"The BMW Group uses a risk-based approach at the sites of direct and indirect suppliers. One central component in the evaluation of the potentially negative impacts of the supply chain is the sustainability survey that is part of the Drive Sustainability initiative. This requires suppliers to issue disclosures on their sustainability activities and the preventive measures they have put in place to minimise risks."

"During the reporting year, 7,650 (2022: 7,183* ) supplier sites were evaluated using an industry-specific sustainability survey. The minimum requirements of the BMW Group must be implemented by an agreed date and no later than the start of production.

Assessments were also carried out on environmental and social standards at selected supplier locations with risk as a criteria. The top three areas of focus determined as part of the supplier assessments in terms of environmental protection relate to the management of hazardous waste, waste management, water management and emissions."

Pooja Yadav.....2024-04-22 14:50:19 UTC