World Benchmarking Alliance+Image
NAT.B06.EB Ecosystem Restoration Project Outcomes
Does the company disclose details and outcomes of ecosystem restoration projects in areas affected by its own operations or upstream business relationships?

About the data

This metric was designed by The World Benchmarking Alliance, more information can be found here. Sources and Alignments for each indicator can be found here as well as the scoring guidelines here

The World Benchmarking Alliance's Nature Benchmark measures and ranks the world's most influential companies on their efforts to protect our environment and its biodiversity.

This metric relates to the Indicator: The company demonstrates restoration activities in its value chain across all relevant ecosystems.

Rationale: The UN has declared the ten years to 2030 the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration – a rallying call for the protection and restoration of ecosystems for the benefit of both people and nature. This indicator aligns with the SBTN interim targets on ensuring that a proportion of natural or semi-natural habitats are retained or regenerated in working lands from 2020, and areas under restoration in all ecosystems are increased.

WBA analysed all publicly available group-level disclosure in English on the applicable group website, which was predominantly annual reports and sustainability reports. Draft assessments were then sent to each company inviting them to provide feedback. This feedback could include additional publicly available group disclosure published. These were then reviewed and finalised. Final assessments were then shared with each company before being published online.

For this metric outcomes include measurable and quantifiable improvements of the restoration project directly related to the company's actions. Actions that a company might take to regenerate and restore might include the following, depending on whether they are looking at land, freshwater, oceans or biodiversity:

• Ecological restoration.

• Supporting individual species recovery and/or diversity.

• Rehabilitation of degraded lands.

• Replenishment of freshwater systems.

• Management of production areas.

• Allowance for ecological permeability.

• Compensatory conservation/target-based ecological compensation.

An example could be restoration of degraded land back to a productive state or even further back to its natural state, prehuman impact.

Value Type
Not Applicable
Research Policy
Designer Assessed
Report Type
Aggregate Data Report