Question: Does the company continuously monitor suppliers to ensure that they comply with the company’s policies and local laws?
On-site visits (self- reporting),
On-site visits (independent)
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Unverified - Added by Community
updated about 2 months ago by Manali Rana

Researched by Solange Rennie

Aureliane.....2024-03-06 11:18:24 UTC

"Validated Audit Process (VAP) to allow for more focused verification steps for those suppliers, including those operating in higher risk geographies. In 2021, Microchip enhanced its procedures within its supplier auditing program to include specific labor-related questions aligned to the RBA Code of Conduct/Microchip’s Supplier Code of Conduct." [...] Microchip conducts quarterly business reviews with its significant subcontractors and makes visits to their facilities as part of a comprehensive risk review, which includes the potential impact of forced labor issues. The use of VAP as part of the overall evaluation of suppliers under the RBA process allows for input from independent auditors." (p. 2).

Martina Carlino.....2024-03-15 09:36:26 UTC


 "Additionally, in 2021, Microchip conducted onsite audits through independent auditors at three of our four non-US manufacturing facilities pursuant to RBA’s Validated Assessment Program (VAP). These results are also available at RBA-Online."

"Audits. Microchip’s membership with RBA-Online now allows for evaluation of its key suppliers and use of the Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) and Validated Audit Process (VAP) to allow for more focused verification steps for those suppliers, including those operating in higher risk geographies. In 2021, Microchip enhanced its procedures within its supplier auditing program to include specific labor-related questions aligned to the RBA Code of Conduct/Microchip’s Supplier Code of Conduct. The labor information collected as part of this process is included in Microchip’s overall review and assessment of its suppliers."

Pooja Yadav.....2024-04-15 11:48:17 UTC

pg. 2

"Microchip conducts quarterly business reviews with its significant subcontractors and makes visits to their facilities as part of a comprehensive risk review, which includes the potential impact of forced labor issues. The use of VAP as part of the overall evaluation of suppliers under the RBA process allows for input from independent auditors." [Onsite audit (self-reporting)]

"Additionally, in 2021, Microchip conducted onsite audits through independent auditors at three of our four non-US manufacturing facilities pursuant to RBA’s Validated Assessment Program (VAP). These results are also available at RBA-Online." [Onsite audit (Independent)]

Manali Rana.....2024-04-18 07:30:27 UTC