Question: What is the total amount of non-hazardous waste created by the organization (in metric tonnes)?
Global Reporting Initiative
Heineken N.V.
Unverified - Added by Community
updated about 8 years ago by Hala @WR

p. 54 - calculated by subtracting hazardous waste from total waste

--Louis Coppola.....2016-05-23 16:30:50 UTC

The company reports on its corresponding GRI reporting table the total weight of waste by type and disposal method (p.16) as SR 2014, APPENDIX 3 > Overview of environmental performance (P53-54) (identified as being recycled or non-recycled, being hazardous or non-hazardous). P. 54 indicates total co-products, packaging and industrial waste + Non-recycled industrial waste = 3,150 + 96 = 3,246 kilo tonnes.

--Hala @WR.....2016-05-26 13:33:51 UTC