ESG training for top leadership positions
Does the company provide training on ESG to Top Leadership positions?
Manali Rana

About the data

Companies face opportunities and threats from emerging environmental, social and governance issues. As a board member, it is important to stay informed and updated to ensure effective oversight over strategy and risk, as well as manage the company's ability to meet rapidly evolving investor, market and regulatory expectations.

Although the fundamental duties of directors have not changed, the board is now expected to monitor the company's key ESG risks and opportunities, as well as its overall strategy to measure, integrate and manage these matters. These issues have taken a strong hold on companies of all sizes, in all industries and in all markets, meaning boards must align ESG with broader business strategy and cannot afford to be careless.

This metric falls within the
social section of questions, which covers how companies and company boards of directors are taking a multipronged approach at re-skilling and upskilling board members to meet the demand of building and bringing in-house ESG expertise.

For this metric question you are being asked to identify the training that the organization's board or C-suit employees have undertaken on ESG during the reporting period. Start by searching publicly available documents like Annual, CSR and Corporate governance reports.

Keywords and search terms for this metric

- Education
- Training
- Upskilling
- Development

Answers & Calculations

Once you have found the answer, mark ‘Yes’ otherwise ‘No’ or 'In Development', if the business indicates it is developing a training programme, or plans to implement one in the future.

Always include the page number where you found the answer in the Comments field.

Value Type
In Development
Research Policy
Community Assessed