
The legal frameworks that ensure our data model and it's content is open for (re)use.

Data Model

Our data model (the underlying Wikirate data model which includes the names Metric and Metric Values, their relationships etc.) is available under Creative Commons - Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License.


Content is available under the Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International License. This includes, without being an exhaustive list, data sheets (any content related to metrics such as metric names, methodology etc.), wiki content (such as reviews and overviews), and answer values. Please go to our Attribution Guide for further detail on how to appropriately attribute Wikirate and the original source.

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions regarding our licensing, please do not hesitate to contact us at info[@]

Making Metric data available under a Creative Commons licenses helps everyone to benefit from data researched and cultivated on Wikirate for any purpose: including research, advocacy or even commercial purposes. This approach helps the Wikirate community to achieve its mission to help make data about corporate social and environmental impacts useful and available to all.


Our mission is to make data on Wikirate as widely available as possible. In some cases, this may mean that we need to curtail excessive API use for technical reasons, or charge for high usage or usage for commercial purposes.

API documentation is currently listed on swaggerhub here:

Please reach out to info[@] if you wish to discuss API usage.