Wikirate is incorporated in Germany as "gemeinnütziger, eingetragener Verein" under the name "The Wikirate Project e.V.", in the UK as a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) under the name "The Wikirate Project UK" and in the USA as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization under the name "The Wikirate Project".
You can find our German nonprofit determination letter here and our US nonprofit determination letter here
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For the full disclosure of our past and present funding sources, please go to Donation and Grant History.
You can find out more information about the structure of the organization by going to our team.
Our mission is to make data on as widely available as possible.
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Our Donation and Grant Policy sets out how we make funding decisions to ensure we remain independent.
The Wikirate Project e.V.
c/o United Peers
Oranienburgerstr. 86A
10178 Berlin, Germany
Authorized representative of the board of directors: Philipp Hirche (1.Vorstand), Florian Hirche (2.Vorstand)
Register court: Local Court of Charlottenburg, Berlin
Register number: VR 32012B
You may contact Wikirate Project e.V. at