Performance Band
What is the company's performance band based on InfluenceMap?

About the data

The InfluenceMap performance band is a measure of the influence the organization may have on climate policy based on InfluenceMap's method.

For each corporation, the organizational score and the relationship score are combined to compute an overall rating, placing the corporation in a performance band. There are 20 performance bands from A+ (representing a total score from 95-100%) through to E- (a score of 25-30%), with scores below 25% falling in the red "F" band. A score of 60% or more indicates that the corporation is actively supporting policies and regulations towards a low-carbon future. Conversely, scores lower than 40% indicate obstructing behavior. As different sectors face differing regulatory issues, it is most useful to compare the performance bands of corporations within the same sector.


Value Type
Free Text
Research Policy
Community Assessed