Question: What is the injury rate (IR) for the male workforce (employees plus supervised workers)?
Global Reporting Initiative
Unverified - Added by Community
updated over 1 year ago by Manali Rana

It reports the Lost workday injury rate and not the injury rate.

pg. 259

"Additionally, we recorded 114 Lost Workday Injury Cases (LWICs), i.e. occupational injury cases where the injured person is unable to work for one or more days after the injury. This represents a 25% increase compared with 91 in 2020. The LWIC rate increased to 0.16 per 100 FTEs, compared with 0.12 in 2020. The number of Lost Workdays caused by injury increased by 1,672 days to 4,236 days in 2021."

Manali Rana.....2022-09-24 14:22:12 UTC