About the data
In this question you are being asked to identify what information the company publishes about its tier one factories. Start by looking for a list of the company's first tier suppliers (direct relationship with buyer e.g. production units, Cut Make Trim (CMT) facilities, garment sewing, garment finishing, full package production and packaging and storage).
Where to look for this information:
- Corporate Social Responsibility report
- Company documents
- Company policies
- Company websites
- Company code of conduct
- Parent company documents (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)
- Parent company policies (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)
- Parent company websites (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)
- Parent company code of conduct (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)
Good keywords for your searches include:
- Tier one
- First tier
- Supplier/Vendor/Factory list
- Factory locations
- Factory map
- Manufacturing
- Cut, Make and Trim/Sew
- Open Apparel Registry (OAR)
Things to watch out for:
- We are looking for a map or list that represents a significant proportion of their suppliers
- If a brand links to OAR and you can find suppliers linked to the brand on the platform, then we will allow points.
- Where brands says their list includes "all" their suppliers, we assume this means 100% and we give them the point
- If brand says list updated every X months accepted
- Online maps and PDF documents do not count as not machine readable. Looking specifically for Excel or csv documents. Publishing the information in csv or excel formats makes this information easy to use for third parties like trade unions and NGOs (for more information, see: https://odsas.org/)
- Worker-management committees are not sufficient. Committees must be independent, otherwise workers power is potentially quite limited.