Edidiong Uwemakpan+Image
Lab-created Diamonds and Gems
Is there any indication that the company uses man-made stones?
Edidiong Uwemakpan

About the data

Lab-created or man-made gems are chemically, optically and physically identical to mined gems.

Unlike their mined counterparts, lab-created gems are not treated in any way to bring out a vibrant color.

The color of lab-created gems is inherent to the process and will not change over time. In reference to gemstones, the term "lab-created" is synonymous with man-made, lab-grown and synthetic.

Often, lab-created gems are only identifiable to a trained jeweler by their high standard of clarity. It is possible for lab-created gems to be perfectly flawless.

Lab-created gems are considered by many to be the most sustainable option available in gems.

Search - "Company Name" Lab Created Gems or diamonds.

If a report or text is available to confirm this, enter the value "Yes" and cite the source, as well as the year which the source was published.

If a report or publication is not available to confirm that a select company uses Lab-created diamonds or gems, then input the value "No"; citing the date of research and links searched.