Corporate Research Project of Good Jobs First+Image
Violation Tracker Penalties Total
What was the total monetary value of penalties imposed by US federal regulatory agencies and the Justice Department?

About the data

Data from this metric comes from the Violation Tracker provided by Good Jobs First.

Violation Tracker is the first US-based national search engine on corporate misconduct. Version 2.0 covers banking, consumer protection, false claims, environmental, health, safety, price-fixing and bribery cases initiated by 30 federal regulatory agencies and the Justice Department since 2010; in all, 112,000 cases with total penalties of $300 billion. Violation Tracker is produced by the Corporate Research Project of Good Jobs First.

Presently only the penalty totals across all agencies are available on WikiRate, but the Violation Tracker presents a detailed breakdown of these penalties - if you would like more detail this is well worth checking out directly.

The Corporate Research Project's Violation Tracker collects data on fines and settlements in cases brought by US federal regulatory agencies and the Justice Department. A description of its methodology can be found here.

Value Type
Research Policy
Designer Assessed