(dev site) Answer-relationship not showing on Relationship metric+Discussion

Most of these appear to be working now. I do occasionally see some broken ones, but I think that's probably a data problem, not a code problem. (Will be working on the data now!)

Ethan McCutchen.....2020-08-14 21:42:37 UTC

Like the data is missing some details? Happy to check on this again once you're done with the data part

theresah.....2020-08-17 11:16:26 UTC

Still seeing any problems?

Ethan McCutchen.....2020-08-18 15:31:02 UTC

(note: data is clean on staging but not on dev)

Ethan McCutchen.....2020-08-18 15:31:17 UTC

Sort of! The Answer field for Canon is empty on staging https://staging.wikirate.org/Commons+is_Tin_supplier_of+Operaciones_Metalurgical_S_A+2018

theresah.....2020-08-18 16:49:16 UTC


Ethan McCutchen.....2020-08-20 16:05:54 UTC