World Benchmarking Alliance+NAT.C02 Indigenous people' rights+World Benchmarking Alliance Research Group+About

Indigenous peoples may be particularly vulnerable to the adverse impacts associated with project development, including risk of impoverishment and loss of identity, culture and natural resource-based livelihoods (IFC, 2012d). Protecting and securing Indigenous Peoples’ rights has been recognised as crucial to advancing conservation, restoration and climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies (WRI, 2019).

A note on the scoring system

Wikirate uses a standardized 10-point scoring system to enable comparison of company scores across different benchmarks. In the Nature Benchmark, companies can earn 1 point per indicator, which are then added together and calculated as a percentage of the total score for a measurement area (MA) to determine the final score for the MA. The overall Wikirate score is calculated by combining these scores with the appropriate weightings, and converting them to a 10-point scale. For instance, if a company achieves a final score of 50, the corresponding Rating will be 5.