World Benchmarking Alliance+CSI.5.A Integrating and Acting on Human Rights Risk and Impact Assessments+Shiseido Group+2024+Discussion

The company discloses its risk mitigation measure for each of its salient human rights issues. Also, it discloses that it assigns executive officers to stop, prevent and mitigate the negative impacts on human rights. Also, it states that frequent training and development sessions for top-level employees including the Global Headquarters officers and department directors in Japan are held to deepen employees’ understanding of the human rights and to reduce human rights risks. Further, the company discloses that corrective measures and reoccurrence prevention measures are taken rapidly in case improper acts or the like are revealed against any employee. Furthermore, it states that strict disciplinary action is taken against employees involved in any ethical misconduct. Additionally, it discloses that in case supplier acknowledges a violation, it formulates a plan to correct such violation and conduct suitable corrective measures. Moreover, it continues to actively engage with human rights experts to prevent and take corrective measures to reduce such risks.