World Benchmarking Alliance+CSI.3.B Identifying Business Partner Human Rights Risk and Impacts+Shiseido Group+2024+Discussion

The company discloses that it has established a rigorous human rights due diligence process aimed at promptly identifying, preventing, and mitigating potential human rights issues. Also, the company states that it collaborated with external human rights experts, referenced international codes and benchmarks, and developed a comprehensive list of human rights concerns, ranging from forced labor and child labor, as well as a wide range of other human rights issues, such as freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining, and discrimination. Additionally, it discloses a number of human rights risks identified in its value chain. Further, it states that it assessed the status of its activities for its listed human rights issues by interviewing stakeholders (consumers, business partners, employees, and society) in Japan and other countries and by investigating internal documents such as but not limited to questionnaires, surveys and certain report materials and referred to external documents for potential impact on human rights. Furthermore, it states that it assessed the severity and likelihood of both potential and apparent risks regarding impacts on human rights in Japan and abroad.