Question: Does the company have a publicly available statement of policy that expects its business relationships to commit to respecting the human rights that the ILO has declared to be fundamental rights at work?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Daimler AG
Verified by Steward check_circle
In its Supplier Sustainability Standards 2016, the company states that 'our frame of reference encompasses the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Global Compact of the United Nations, the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO).' Further, the company states that 'forced or compulsory labor is prohibited. Employees must have the freedom to terminate their employment, provided they give reasonable notice.' Also, the company states that 'child labor is not allowed at any phase of production or processing.' Also, the company states that 'suppliers are obligated to ensure equal opportunity of employment and avoid all forms of discrimination. Discrimination against employees, for instance on the basis of race, origin, nationality, skin color, religion, ideology, political or union activity, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, disease or pregnancy, is prohibited.' Additionally, the company states that 'companies should preserve freedom of association and actively acknowledge the right to collective bargaining. They must ensure that their employees can discuss working conditions openly with management without fear of punishment. The right of employees to assemble, join a union, appoint representatives and be elected to the union must be respected.' [Supplier Sustainability Standards 2016, PDF 2]****Indicator 'fully met’ by meeting both the indicator elements (a) and (b).