Question: Does the company describe the process(es) to identify its bribery and corruption risks and impacts in specific locations or activities covering its own operations?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Daimler AG
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In its Integrity Code 2019, the company states that 'through regular training and audits, we ensure that corrupt behavior is prevented, detected and punished.' [Integrity Code 2019, 19] Also, in its Sustainability Report 2020, the company states that 'our corruption prevention compliance program is based on our Group-wide CMS. An important element of this program is the integrated risk assessment. When we assess possible risks, we take into account internal information (e.g. a unit’s business model) as well as external information such as the Corruption Perception Index of Transparency International. We see increased corruption risks in the area of sales activities in highrisk countries as well as in our business relations with authorized dealers and general agents worldwide. The results of the risk assessment serve as our basis for implementing targeted corruption prevention measures that are oriented toward the risk faced by the division or country in question. These measures aim to prevent corruption in all of our business activities. [...] The management of each Group company is responsible for implementing and supervising the measures. In this task, the management cooperates closely with the specialist units within the Integrity and Legal Affairs division. Within the framework of its Group management responsibilities, Daimler AG monitors the management activities of each respective Group company. Companies exposed to an increased corruption risk are supported by an independent Local Compliance Officer, who assists the respective management with the implementation of our Corruption Prevention Compliance Program.' [Sustainability Report 2020, 122]****Indicator 'fully met’ by meeting all the indicator elements (a), (b), (c), and (d).