World Benchmarking Alliance+CHRB E.1. Public response to human rights violation incident 6+methodology

The benchmark uses publicly available information from the company's website(s), its formal financial and non-financial reporting or other public documents, plus statements such as those related to its policy commitments. These could be codes of conduct, policies, values, guidelines, FAQs and other related documents. The CHRB also considers reports, such as annual, corporate social responsibility and sustainability reports, or human rights reports if these are available, or other reports written for other purposes if these contain information applicable to the CHRB indicators. Full methodology for each sector can be found here.


In measurement theme E, companies against which no serious allegations meeting the CHRB thresholds are identified receive a proxy score that is the average of their scores in the other measurement themes. Companies where allegation(s) are found to meet the CHRB thresholds are scored across indicators E.1, E.2 and E.3, with a maximum of two points for each indicator.

The scoring will operate according to the following rules:

- companies against which no serious allegations meeting the CHRB thresholds are identified will receive a proxy score for measurement theme E that is the average of their scores in the other measurement themes.

- companies where allegation(s) are found to meet the CHRB thresholds, will be scored across indicators E.1, E.2 and E.3, with a maximum of two points for each indicator. Where there are multiple allegations, companies will be given an average score for all the allegations investigated.

The overall potential score for a company with at least one allegation in measurement theme E will be capped at the average of their scores in the other measurement themes.

Actual versus potential impacts

This measurement theme covers allegations of actual impacts; allegations regarding potential impacts that have a likelihood of occurring in the future are not addressed in this measurement theme but in other measurement themes of the benchmark. Therefore, in the context of this measurement theme, 'alleged' refers to impacts that the company may or may not have acknowledged (i.e. denied that it occurred, or that it has caused or contributed to the impact).