World Benchmarking Alliance+CHRB A.1.3.EX.a.S2 Land, natural resources and indigenous peoples’ rights+About

This metric is from the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark (CHRB), part of the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA), which has been assessing the human rights disclosures of some of the largest global companies since 2017. By ranking these companies on their policies, processes and practices, as well as how they respond to serious allegations, the CHRB aims to create a race to the top through which companies strive to fulfil their responsibility to respect the human rights of the individuals and communities that they impact.

Policy commitments

What do the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) expect?

A policy commitment is a statement approved at the highest levels of the business that shows the company is committed to respecting human rights and communicates this internally and externally.

Note: The term “statement” is used to describe a wide range of forms a company may use to set out publicly its responsibilities, commitments, and expectations – this may be a separate human rights policy or human rights commitments within other formal policies, or provisions within other documents that govern the company’s approach such as a company code, business principles, etc.

Why is this important?

A policy commitment sets the “tone at the top” of the company that is needed to continually drive respect for human rights into the core values and culture of the business. It indicates that top management considers respect for human rights to be a minimum standard for conducting business with legitimacy; it sets out their