Wikipedia / OC integrations look different

+*when created
Friday, August 10, 2018 09:08 AM UTC

1. Wikipedia and OC integrations, when no info on the company is automatically added, look different. There's no clear place to add the Wikipedia, while there's a new card 'look' to the OC integration

2. OC integration has no help text (that's us I know, but I need the link/a reminder on how to do it :0)


good points.

Ethan McCutchen.....2018-08-21 19:23:46 UTC

re #2, you can go to the "rules" of any +OpenCorporates card to edit help text. Or you can go there directly with*right+*help

Ethan McCutchen.....2018-10-01 12:18:26 UTC

just to make sure I knew what the rules of adding an OC company to WR were, I did a test one:, and added the company number for Datamaran to the Wikirate field ( Datamaran is related to eRevalue. Anyway, now it seems to have pulled in some random "puffer" company ...

theresah.....2018-10-02 11:33:48 UTC

Look at the urls:


Puffer Parts:



Evidently OC does not have a global unique identifier (I didn't know that until today). You have to have the correct jurisdiction AND the correct id to get the correct company. If you change the jurisdiction (headquarters) for eRevalue to NY, it should work.


...and what a good thing that you discovered this while writing support text!

Ethan McCutchen.....2018-10-02 12:38:46 UTC

haha right? kinda cool. Guess we could always use more testing on these. I fixed it. And now can make comprehensive help text

theresah.....2018-10-02 14:06:28 UTC

So here's what's behind the difference:

With OC, we need an entity ID. We try to get the entity automatically at certain moments when we have new info (eg when the company is created), but if we don't have a stored ID when the company page is loaded, we know we can't do anything and we just render the card as missing.


With Wikipedia, all we need is a name. So, even when we don't have a confirmed wikipedia name, we just do a new live attempt with that name every time. That means that at the time the page is loaded, we don't know whether we're going to have a record or not, so we always render the title in case we do.


There are several possible routes we could go:

1. always show the OC title (this is inconsistent with how we handle missing cards generally. I can see updating that handling everywhere, but I don't like making these two cards exceptional.)

2. waiting until we get the Wikipedia response to decide whether we show the title or not. Not super easy, not great UX.

3. (my preferred option). Make the Wikipedia handling more like OC. When we have a new company name and aren't yet mapped to Wikipedia, we check to see if there is a wikipedia page with that name. If so, we store the mapping. If not, we leave the card blank and show it as missing a wikipedia mapping.


Any thoughts, concerns?

Ethan McCutchen.....2019-07-11 15:16:36 UTC

Hearing no objections, I decided to proceed with #3.

Ethan McCutchen.....2019-11-18 16:25:50 UTC

thanks! Sorry I missed the earlier suggestions. Sounds like a good solution:)

theresah.....2019-11-19 16:55:17 UTC


Ethan McCutchen.....2019-12-06 22:09:53 UTC