Question: Does the company’s statement detail one or more specific, organisational policies or actions to combat slavery in their direct (tier 1) and/or in-direct (beyond tier 1) supply chain?
Walk Free
MSA policy (revised)
Verified by Steward check_circle

"With regard to our suppliers and business partners, we select such parties carefully and as summarised below, where possible, conduct due diligence on them so that we are comfortable that we are doing business with trusted, known parties. We ENCOURAGE them to comply with our policies, often raising awareness of our policies as part of our procurement tender processes, for example, or we expect that they will have in place similar such policies. We also ENDEAVOUR to include contractual clauses that require them to comply with applicable laws and our Group Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. "

Lucia Ixtacuy.....2019-08-20 09:07:01 UTC


"With regard to our other business models –such as franchising, management of hotels through joint ventures, and ownership of hotels which are managed by third-party operators –we may have very limited control or influence over our business partners and as such consider such situations to be higher risk in terms of ensuring their commitment to preventing slavery and human trafficking." p. 1

Laureen van Breen.....2019-08-21 14:47:40 UTC

"As part of those efforts, we believe that slavery and human trafficking have no role in society and are taking steps to ensure that no one is being held in slavery or servitude or is required to perform forced or compulsory labour and to prevent others from arranging or facilitating of the travel of individuals with a view to exploiting them." p.1


These statements are too vague and too aspirational to be considered implementable policies.

Laureen van Breen.....2019-08-21 14:49:46 UTC