Walk Free+Supply chain wages disclosure (sector specific)+The Hershey Company+2021+Discussion

"P2 Living Wage & Income Statement

Hershey believes that all individuals deserve the opportunity to earn a decent standard of living. We recognize the concepts of living wage and living income as human rights for people that work for Hershey directly or are within our extended supply chain – and that poverty increases the risk of human rights violations such as child or forced labor. Our Living Wage & Income Position Statement is our global commitment to pay a living wage to full-time Hershey employees as well as to establish new partnerships to measure the incomes of farmers in our Cocoa For Good programs in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana to better target our investments focused on improving incomes."

Gabby.....2022-07-01 02:59:18 UTC

Promote a living wage & income within our value chain: Share our position on living wage & income in our value chain,

including continuing to pay a living wage to Hershey employees and implementing concrete actions to improve farmer

incomes in cocoa.9

Gabby.....2022-07-01 03:01:14 UTC