Walk Free+Supply chain wages disclosure (sector specific)+MONDELEZ UK CONFECTIONERY PRODUCTION LIMITED+2021+Discussion

Building on our ongoing commitment to pay

our employees a living wage, we joined the

Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) Living

Wage roadmap to help advance living wage

and income in global supply chains, and

we are also working with peers in the AIMProgress Living Wage working group. We

will work with our suppliers with the goal of

having all our strategic suppliers engaged on

a living wage roadmap by 2030. p. 7


2022 marks the 10-year anniversary of our Cocoa

Life program. Our impact data, independently

measured by Ipsos, demonstrates that the

program delivered positive impact for more

than 200,000 cocoa farmers, whose production

represents 75% of our chocolate volume. Key

highlights from our impact data shows farmers

and their communities’ social and economic

resilience improved over the past ten years:

 Farmers’ net incomes from cocoa and other

sources are steadily rising, at an average of 15%

in Ghana and 33% in Cote d’Ivoire (as of end 2021

vs. 2019), helping to pull more Cocoa Life farming

households out of poverty. p. 14

Brittany Quy.....2022-07-04 07:23:53 UTC