Question: Does the company disclose in its modern slavery statement any actions taken in response to modern slavery incidents identified or reported on any social media platforms it owns or distributes?
Yes - Cooperates with law enforcement,
Yes - Removes content or user accounts or apps
Walk Free
Apple Inc.
Verified by Steward check_circle

We are dedicated to protecting children wherever our products are made or used. Apple’s

Global Security Investigations and Child Safety team supports implementation of our robust

policies focused on child protection at all levels of our software platforms and services, and

throughout our supply chain. As part of this commitment, Apple uses image matching

technology to help find and report child exploitation. Much like spam filters in email, our

systems use electronic signatures to find suspected child exploitation. We validate each match

with individual review by an Apple employee. Accounts with child exploitation content violate

our terms and conditions of service, and any accounts we find with this material are immediately

disabled. 3


Pursuant to Apple’s App Store Review Guidelines, apps offered on the App Store must comply

with all legal requirements in any location where made available. Apps that solicit, promote, or

encourage criminal or clearly reckless behavior are rejected. In extreme cases, such as apps

that are found to facilitate human trafficking or the exploitation of children, Apple will notifiy the

appropriate authorities. 4

Gabby.....2022-05-06 05:14:19 UTC