Question: Does the company, in its modern slavery statement, discuss the risk of sexual exploitation or trafficking in its operations and/or supply chains?
Walk Free

pg. 13

"2.3.1. Guests: Policy

We take the potential issue of child or adult exploitation (sexual or otherwise) very seriously. We recognise that there is a risk in all hospitality companies that hotels might be used for the sexual exploitation of adults or children, or the harbouring / movement of adults and children for the use of forced labour. Whilst we recognise that this is a risk which we cannot always directly control, there are some actions we can take to make sure that our own team members are properly trained to spot the signs of exploitation and empowered to act on any suspicions quickly and effectively.

2.3.2. Guests: Due Diligence

During the calendar year to end of December 2020, 8,789 team members have completed our E-Learning module on the issue of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE). To date 99.7% of all Premier Inn team members have completed training on CSE. Furthermore, Whitbread has worked closely with the National Business Crime Centre attached to the Metropolitan Police Force in establishing a sector wide working group with the aim of establishing National Guidance for Hotels regarding CSE. The expectation at the end of last year was that National Guidance would be ready for launch by August 2020. Due to the pandemic, this was halted and restarted at the end of 2020. A draft of this document has been commented on and we are awaiting a second draft."

Singh Anjali.....2022-01-12 06:32:57 UTC