2021 | VUR Village Trading No 1 Limited | MSA whistleblowing mechanism (revised)
Does the company describe a grievance mechanism to facilitate whistle-blowing or the reporting of suspected incidents of slavery or trafficking?
Hotline, Email, Contact Form (direct employees),
In Development (supply chain workers)
updated about 1 year ago by Manali Rana

pg. 2

“We also operate a Whistleblowing Policy aimed at employees which encourages staff to report any wrongdoing. We intend to extend this policy to our wider supply chain.”

Pg. 3

“We continued to use a successful data capture process (as part of GDPR) to allow us to secure data and provide it to the authorities in potential cases of Modern Slavery and provide employees with a central contact email to report any concerns about Modern Slavery within the business. This central contact email is monitored by General Counsel to ensure reporting is sufficient for the GLAA.”

Manali Rana.....2023-04-04 11:04:24 UTC